Aleix and Victor start their EVS project in Madeira
We are glad that our collaboration with the University of Madeira Students Union is still going well. Today two new volunteers from Alzira started their European Voluntary Service experience in the lovely island of Madeira with our partner organization. Aleix and Victor will spend ten months there. We are wishing them good luck and strength during their project and hope that every moment what they live there will develop their skills and everything they learn during this adventure will help them in the future.
Aleix y VÃctor empiezan su voluntariado en Madeira
En IDEA estamos encantados de que nuestra colaboración con la Unión de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Madeira vaya viento en popa. Hoy dos nuevos voluntarios han comenzado su proyecto de diez meses en la encantadora isla de Madeira. Desde IDEA les deseamos mucha suerte a Aleix y a VÃctor, esperamos que las experiencias que vivan allà les ayuden a mejorar sus habilidades y que esta aventura les sirva para el futuro.